Chokeberries are cultivated as an ornamental plant and as a food plant. The sour berries, or Aronia berries, can be eaten fresh off the bush, but are more frequently processed. They can be used to make wine, jam, syrup, juice, soft spreads, tea, salsa, extracts, beer, ice cream, gummies, and tinctures.[1] The name “chokeberry” comes from the astringency of the fruits, which creates the sensation of making one’s mouth pucker.[1]
Originating from the northeastern part of North America (northeastern United States), the aronia berry was originally grown in the former Soviet Union, but Poland in Europe has become one of the world’s largest producers of aronia berry. Due to its anti-aging properties, the aronia berry has become popular in Europe, America, and other countries, and has gradually become popular in Japan, South Korea, and other countries in recent years.

Research and benefits of Aronia berry
In 1994, a Bulgarian study on the antiviral properties of Aronia berry liquid showed that Aronia berries have anti-inflammatory properties.
In 2002, the University of Plovdiv in Bulgaria conducted a study on the “auxiliary effect on diabetes” of the aronia berry, which proved that the juice of the aronia berry has a regulatory effect on diabetes.
In 2003, Malik M and other scholars published a report in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, stating that every 50 milligrams of anthocyanin monomers in Aronia berry extract inhibited 60% of the growth of human colon cancer cells (HT-29), but had less than 10% effect on normal colon cell NCM460.
In 2003, a survey conducted by Ohio State University in the United States showed that raspberries provide a natural defense against colon cancer.
Around 2010, Japanese scientists had concluded that the crude extract of aronia berry has eye protective effects. Berry contains a large amount of carotenoids, which can prevent cell damage and the formation of cataracts.

The most important component of Aronia berry
Phenolic compounds are the most important components in aronia berry and the main reason for many of its medicinal properties. The Aronia berry is rich in anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and hydroxycinnamic acid, as well as secondary components such as flavonol (quercetin) and flavan-3-ol (epicatechin). It has been confirmed that the total phenolic content of different varieties of Aronia berry ranges from 3440mg/100g to as high as 7849mg/100g.
The color of the anthocyanin solution in the Aronia berry changes with pH
Anthocyanins from the Aronia berry are easily soluble in water, anhydrous ethanol, and tetrahydrofuran, and have better stability under temperatures below 60 ℃ and light avoidance conditions; When the pH value is less than 4, the stability of anthocyanin aqueous solution is good, and the solution appears red. As the pH value increases, the color of the anthocyanin aqueous solution changes.

1. Everhart, Eldon (March 4, 2009). “Aronia – A New Crop for Iowa”. Retrieved May 24, 2013.